City’s Edge Farm produces over 40 varieties of vegetables, strawberries, herbs, cut flowers and seedlings, all for local residents.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a symbiotic relationship between the farmer and consumer. Find out more.
We have a roadside stand, open Tues - Sat 10-5pm with a special on-farm market Fridays 2pm-5pm at 6458 Central Saanich Rd.
During the farming season, our online store is stocked with veggies, strawberries, fresh herbs, flower bouquets, veggie seedlings and canning. Find out how to order.
Come by the Farm Stand
Tues - Sat: 10am - 5pm
our on-farm market Fridays 2pm - 5pm
Open May - Oct.
6458 Central Saanich Rd.
or shop right here on our online store.
Copyright City’s Edge Farm 2024. Photos by @ravineyephotography