Edging Towards Diversity.

Edge: verb. 1. Provide with a border or edge. 2. move gradually, carefully, or furtively in a particular direction.

Edge Effect: In ecology, the tendency for increased variety and diversity at community junctions.

Situated at the edge of the city, we have been gradually building up the soil on marginal land to grow an abundance of food for our rural/urban community. We’ve grown from a tiny, yet ambitious farm on less than an acre to our current 3-acre farm in Central Saanich. We now produce over 40 varieties of vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers and vegetable starts, as well as habitat for birds, bees and countless other living organisms. We continue to learn as we go about how best to nurture the land, capture carbon as we build up the soil, and create a healthy agro-ecosystem that can be resiliant in the face of so many challenges to come.

Sol Kinnis, Founder, Farmer

My journey to farming started in the city, with a passion (or obsession?) for turning monoculture lawns into
thriving food gardens. I’ve been growing food since I first entered adulthood, growing in my own backyard wherever I was living and participating in various urban gardening projects. I made farming a career when I co-founded an urban farming co-op, growing in other people’s backyards for restaurants and farmer’s markets.

What I love most about growing food is that it is an endless opportunity for learning and experimentation, not only about how to grow healthy food, but how to restore and nurture healthy soil.

After 25 years, I feel like I’m just beginning to understand the complexities of working with soil and the cycles of life.

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